
Tuesday, September 14, 2004

旅客李奧走向屏東火車前一輛觀光巴士,向巴士司機問說:「往哪裡開呀?」Passenger Joe went to the tourist bus in front of Ping Tung Railway station and asked: 'where are you going to?'
這位司機一言不癹,靜靜地高揚右手,指向北方。Bus driver lifting his hand 45 degrees up silently directed toward North.
李奧面帶疑慮地問說:「汽車怎麼飛?我也不是要搭飛機」。'How could a bus fly? I am not taking airplane!' Joe said with doubt
「上行。」巴士司機不耐煩地說。'Up toward north' bus driver replied impatiently.
李奧了解了,這是往台北去的車,於是踏上了車。Joe with the understanding that this bus is going to Taipei stepped on board.
巴士準時啟程,沿高速公路快速行駛。Bus is on the way North on time running along the N.S. freeway.
巴士行駛期間,李奧放心地潛入座位,進入夢鄉。Joe fell in sleep comfortably in his seat while the bus ran along.
「嗨!下車,下車。」司機趕李奧下車。'Hi, wake up and get you off.' Bus driver told Joe the arrival.
「這不是台中!」李奧抗議說。'No, this not Taichung' Joe protested.
「當然不是,這是台北。」巴士司機頂回來說。'Of course, here is Taipei' Bus drive returned a protest to Joe.
「我要去台中!」李奧向巴士司機抱怨說。'I am going to Taichung.' Joe explained to bus driver.「這是直達車!」巴士司機說。'This none stop.' Bus driver said.
「你幹嘛不早告訴我!」李奧向巴士司機抱怨說。'Why don't you tell me, early?' Joe complained.
「你幹嘛不早告訴我呢!」巴士司機頂回來說。'Why don't you tell me, early?' bus driver complained likely.
全球網路報提供Furnish by Global Net Newspaper下列關係網站有更多趣聞:http://upilot.blogspot.comhttp://upilot4.blogspot.comhttp://upilota.blogspot.comhttp://upilotb.blogspot.comhttp://upilotx.blogspot.comhttp://upiloty.blogspot.comhttp://upilotz.blogspot.comhttp://upilotxy.blogspot.com撰文:程至淵

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